Jonathan C. Randal, After Such Knowledge What Forgiveness?, My Encounters with Kurdistan, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1997 (1st Edition)
A. M. Hamilton, Road Through Kurdistan, The Narrative of an Engineer in Iraq, Faber and Faber LTD.
Margaret Kahn, Children of the Jinn, In Search of the Kurds and their Country, Wideview Books, 1980
Sheri Laizer, Into Kurdistan Frontiers Under Fire, Zed Books LTD, 1991
Martin van Bruinessen, Agha, Shaikh and State, The Social and Political Structures of Kurdistan, Zed Books LTD, 1992
David McDowall, A Modern History of The Kurds, I.B. Tauris Publishers, 2000 (Revised Edition)
Martin van Bruinessen, Mullas, Sufis and Heretics: The Role of Religion in Kurdish Society, The Isis Press, İstanbul, 2000

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